This is a vital time to be letting your local councillor know what you think about the planned housing development.
It's very important to get both Thornbury Town Councillors and South Gloucestershire Councillors speaking out on our behalf, and representing our opinions. We need them to be behind our campaign, not our adversaries. (If they aren't prepared to represent us, then they're in the wrong job, and we will need to vote them out via the next ballot box!)
If you live in NW Thornbury, your town councillors are:
Cllr. Clare Fardell Address: St Arilds Cottage, Kington, Thornbury. Tel: 01454 412486
Email: (also a South Glos Councillor - North Ward)
Cllr. Shirley Holloway Address: 19 Chantry Road, Thornbury. Tel: 01454 885161 Email: (also a South Glos Councillor - South Ward)
Cllr. Bob Griffin Address: 71 Jubilee Drive, Thornbury. Tel: 01454 417155
If you live anywhere else in Thornbury, click on this link to find out who your local councillor is:
Other SGC councillors:Matthew Riddle:(Severn Ward +Executive member) Address: Oak Farm, Oldbury Lane, nr Thornbury BS35 1RD
Phone: 01454 413263 Email:
Neil Halsall: (North Ward) Address: 3 Nightingale Close, ThornburyBS35 1TG Tel: 01454 414311
Mobile: 07776 236145 Email:
Maggie Tyrrell: (South Ward) Address: 4 Chiltern Park, Thornbury BS35 2HX
Phone: 01454 864065 Email:
We urge you to get in touch with them as soon as possible (at the moment this is probably more important than completing your response to the Core Strategy - we are still working on ways to make that task more accessible)Write to, or e-mail, or ring your councillor and make your opinions known.You may like to begin with some of these points:- You think that the process by which NW Thornbury was chosen (the Sustainability Appraisal of 6 different sites) was deeply flawed, with inconsistencies, inaccuracies, bias and conflicting logic.
- Anyway, you feel that NW Thornbury is one of the crucial Heritage sites in our town (St. Mary's Church, Thornbury Castle, Medieval Fishponds, several other listed buildings) and should not in any way be compromised.
- You applaud the incoming National Government with its plans to do away with Core Strategies, and a Planning Policy statement that will discourage the development of greenfield land such as this., and will offerthe "highest level of protection for our most valued landscapes and environmental resources. You also echo David Cameron's sentiment: "Today is the start of a deep and serious reform agenda,to take power away from politicians and give it to people....We know that the best ideas come from the ground up, not the top down...We know that when you give people and communities more power over their lives, more power to come together, and work together and make life better - great things happen!"
- You don't believe the original consultation process was a GENUINE consultation, and that it generated statistically irrelevant results because so few people responded. Furthermore no opinion was sought from NW Thornbury residents at the crucial Stakeholder Workshop - making the outcomes untenable.
For further arguments/discussions browse further on this blog and get to understand some of the underlying issues more fully.Ask your councillor to respond to specific issues. Ask them how they might intend to represent your opinions in the weeks and months ahead.Let us know how they respond at