
This BLOG is dedicated to a green and pleasant Thornbury. Without your help, it may not stay that way...

500 houses WHERE???

This map shows a very rough approximation of the site being proposed by Thornbury Town Council and SouthGloucestershire Core Strategy as the "favoured" site to develop.
However, there are a number of discrepancies and inconsistencies according to which document/publication you look at. So think of this as a guide only!

Apparently six different sites were considered for suitability? 
Did you know this? 
Any idea where the other five sites are? 
Were you ever asked your opinion as to how suitable you think they are? 
Any idea how much the debate was shaped by landowners and housing developpers with their considerable vested interests? 
Did your local town councillor find out your opinion before voting on this issue? 
Do you even know the view of your local town councillor?

(Who is my local town councillor? Check this reference guide - and note that Town Councillors who are also South Glos Councillors , carry greater voice. http://www.thornburytowncouncil.gov.uk/councillors.htm )

Do you want your voice to be heard?

It's not too late - join the campaign!!!

If you would like to find out how conclusions were drawn about each of the sites, and discover if we are right in describing the site appraisal as biased, speculative and unobjective,    
check out the link below:

This link will take you to a very large PDF document
-the relevant part is just Appendixes 10 and 11.  (pgs 147 to end.)
Well worth a browse. Try comparing like for like between the sites, and draw your own conclusions.
