
Friday, 27 May 2011
If you would like to read our submission, CLICK HERE to better understand the worrying implications of this statement for the future of Thornbury.
To read a modified version of this statement, submitted by North West Thornbury's three Independent Councillors, Hudson, Davies and Costello, CLICK HERE.
So now we wait .... until the Inspector starts to assemble the materials and people to begin the work of his Independent Assessment of the Core Strategy.
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
Dear Supporters
I am pleased to advise you that thanks to your help and assistance and votes, Rob Hudson, Vincent Costello and Gareth Davies have all been elected to Thornbury Town Council, as independent representatives for the North West Ward.
This has been no mean feat as their decision to stand was taken less than five weeks before the polling date. At that time none of them had any previously prepared manifesto or campaign material, or knowledge of electoral rules and regulations! Despite this, and the lack of backing by a mainstream political party, you have ensured they overturned the large majorities held by the former long standing LibDem councillors for Thornbury North West.
The people of Thornbury now have an independent voice on the Town Council; some new faces with new ideas and new perspectives - not hindered by party loyalties. I’m sure these three will work hard for the long term future of the town and do their best to ensure that any future decisions made take account of the views and aspirations of the NW Thornbury residents. Their blog, and further details concerning the election and its outcomes, can be viewed at www.northwestthornburytc.com
It was always going to be a ‘tall order’ to win a seat on the District (South Glos) elections, but despite Rob and Vincent not succeeding in this, they did very well – acquiring 800+ votes each (compared to the winning seats who obtained around 1400).
I will update you with any news we get on the Park Farm housing – we are currently still awaiting the public enquiry by the Independent Inspector, which probably wont happen until the Summer/Autumn.
Thank you for your support.
Grace Davies
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Local Elections on May 5th
Let’s hope we end up with some Town Councillors who are prepared to listen to their constituents when it comes to making decisions about the future of our town – realising that residents may actually have some good ideas as well as informed reasoned argument and sound evidence! We’re looking for Councillors with integrity, who will challenge the status quo, and make some really good decisions - not settle for ‘least worst’ options!
So, here’s a last reminder to think carefully about who you vote for and who is prepared to really get involved and challenge the poor process that has occurred in selecting Park Farm for a housing development. It’s not over yet and the Planning Inspector’s Public Enquiry will inevitably involve Thornbury Town Council in some way.
If you live in North West Thornbury, my recommendation for the Town Council Election is to vote for Rob HUDSON, Gareth DAVIES and Vincent COSTELLO (all INDEPENDENT candidates). Check out their blog at www.NorthWestThornburyTC.com
For South Gloucestershire elections, you have 2 votes and Rob HUDSON and Vincent COSTELLO are both standing for North Thornbury as INDEPENDENT Candidates. Check out their blog at www.NorthThornburySGC.com
We believe it will be good for Thornbury to have a better mix of Councillors – not just all Liberal Democrats!!
Grace Davies
Save Thornbury’s Green Heritage