Thornbury Town Council will consider the Park Farm Planning Application at it's meeting on Tuesday evening 21st June. If you plan to object, please do so very soon. You may even wish to a attend the meeting, starting at 7.30pm, and state your objections in person.
But the priority task must be an objection lodged with South Glos Council by Wednesay 6th July. Please follow the simple advice set out below. This list may be revised following the Exploratory Meeting of theIndependent Inspector on 29th June, but don't worry about this - better to object now than to risk missing the boat!
It is really important that we don’t give up at this late stage and that South Gloucestershire Council receive as many objections to the Planning Application for housing development at Park Farm.
The system only counts objections that they consider to have validity. For example, ‘modern houses are ugly’ wouldn’t count whereas citing breaches of existing policy does.
The Council counts objections that read the same as just one objection. This, of course, makes it difficult for the ordinary person to know what to write. To help everyone, we have come up with a list of valid objections that you can choose from. Just copy and paste three or four into your objection, top and tail it with a variation on words and you will have an objection that counts.
You can still be heard so please take the time to e-mail or write to South Glos Council
Choose from –
OPENINGS (select one)
I object to the Planning Application PT11/1442/0 for up to 500 dwellings by Barratt Developments on the following grounds -
I wish to register my objection the Planning Application PT11/1442/0 for erection of up to 500 dwellings by Barratt Developments on 26.21 hectares of land at Thornbury.
Objections. Planning Application PT11/1442/0. Barratt Developments. Thornbury.
OBJECTIONS (Select three or four)
- The Planning Application has come forward before there is a policy in place to support it and so the application is premature.
- The Core Strategy has yet to be examined by the Planning Inspector and there are known concerns about the soundness and legality of the identification of Park Farm as a site for development
- The existing Local Plan states that Park Farm is not the most suitable site for development.
- National Planning Policy document PPS1states, “It may be justifiable to refuse planning permission on the grounds of prematurity where development plan is being prepared or under review.” The Core Strategy is under review and so should not be the guiding document whilst an existing local plan is in force.
- The site for development was identified and adopted before a sustainability appraisal was conducted and has significant sustainability drawbacks e.g. distance from town centre, lack of public transport, absence of access roads.
- The consultation process employed to identify Park Farm as a suitable site for development was flawed and undemocratic and has been cited as such by Steve Webb MP, other developers, pressure groups and residents.
- Approving the application would interrupt due process as the Core Strategy that identifies Park Farm for development has yet to go through an independent examination.
- Insufficient verifiable evidence has been provided to show that the proposed development would result in the benefits claimed in the as yet to be adopted Core Strategy i.e. countering an aging population, filling open school places and increasing town centre vibrancy.
- Park Farm is unsuitable as a sustainable site for development due to its distance from the town’s facilities, flood risks and the resulting destruction of a valuable heritage.
- There are material errors in the application e.g. development would not be visible from Thornbury Castle or St Mary’s church and the site is not within a 25 minute walking distance of the town centre.
(select one and add you name and address to the end. You need to sign and print your name underneath your signature if you write by post)
The application is premature, and in any case flawed, and should be rejected.
The council should refuse this application, at least pending the completion of the due process of the examination and adoption of the Core Strategy
The selection of this site for development was the result of poor consultation and it’s sustainability remains subject to challenge by residents, developers and others. The application should be refused for these reasons.