
This BLOG is dedicated to a green and pleasant Thornbury. Without your help, it may not stay that way...

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On this page we have created links to important background documents that you may like to explore in more detail. It's a bit of a minefield, so tread carefully!

SOUTH GLOS (DRAFT)CORE STRATEGY - this is the LA Development Plan Document containing Issues and Options for consultation (published in 2008). This is a large document, but a vital read if you want to appreciate the bigger picture.
This link will take you to the introductory page. You will then need to click on item 8 in the  right hand "Read More" box to home in on specific details for Thornbury.

A Summary of Responses to this consultation makes very interesting reading. Having read the introduction to this PDF document, you will need to go to page 189 to find the section detailing Thornbury's responses.

Thornbury Town Council (and others) have actually considered 6 broad areas around Thornbury as potential sites for development. To find out what issues they considered, in concluding that the PARK FARM estate in N/NW Thornbury should be put forward to South Glos as the most favourable option. In this PDF document, you will need to look at Appendix 10 and 11.

In relation to the draft Core Strategy, the housing development considered for Park Farm will be delivered in accordance with (South Glos) Policy CS33. This is part of the very recently published and up-dated Core Strategy - just prior to going to Glossy Print. There is a lot of interesting background reading here, but if you want to hone in on the Thornbury Chapter 15, go to page 167.