
This BLOG is dedicated to a green and pleasant Thornbury. Without your help, it may not stay that way...

Monday, 20 December 2010


We were let down by South Glos planners, who refused to listen to the overwhelming critical opinion of Thornbury residents finding fault with the content of the draft Core Strategy.
And now, we have been let down by our own elected South Glos cabinet and councillors, none of whom were able or willing to listen to the voice of their electorate, and follow the clear mandate that local residents gave them. (Even despite a few Yate and Chipping Sodbury councillors having the courage to vote against the Core Strategy - none in Thornbury/Severnvale could manage to do this. And this was despite 716 out of 739 critical Representations asking planners and councillors to think again for Thornbury. )
Regarding the current state of the Core Strategy, Patrick Conroy has written: " Should you wish to make comments these should be received by Friday 18 February 2010 and be limited only to those matters that the Council is proposing to change."
In early January, we will be publishing some suggestions of possible comments you may wish to make. This is still a critical time because all submissions will be put before the Independent Government Inspector of Planning. We must have faith that there is still someone prepared to listen to the voice of localism - if not, is the much vaunted "Big Society" dead even before it is launched?
Also keep an eye out for an exhibition being promised by South Glos Council (possibly in conjunction with Barratts) regarding the development plans for the Park Farm Estate. Treat with caution! This is not the long-asked-for balanced examination of all the potential sites around Thornbury, but rather it has been twisted once again simply to justify the plans of the planners, instead of listening to the opinions of local residents. Be sure to make your voice heard.
And finally folks, 2011 is a local election year. Be also sure local councillors can be called to account for their failure to represent us!

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