Are you a local stakeholder? Have you been informed of this event? Have you been invited to attend? Apparently entry is by invitation only.
Jane McDermott of SGC, contactable at or by phone on 01454 868712, is officially organising the event. We know of serveral delegates who are declining to attend, so you may wish to turn up on the night and chance your arm for a spare invite, or contact Jane in advance and advise her of your wish to attend.
Hopefully high up on the agenda will be:
- Why is SGC presenting our town with one developer on one site when the Residents of Thornbury are still waiting to be consulted on all the Issues and Options to do with developing our town, that never appeared when the rest of South Gloucestershire was considering its own Issues and Options.?
- Selection of this site is not based upon the Sustainability Appraisal but on an alternative undisclosed agenda - is it hoping too much that this will be revealed on the night? If not, delegates will hardly buy in to a development proposal based on deception and mis-information.
Next stop after that - local elections in May when our so-called representatives can be held accountable for their undemocratic actions.