
This BLOG is dedicated to a green and pleasant Thornbury. Without your help, it may not stay that way...

Thursday, 20 January 2011


Disappointment for many hundreds of residents as South Glos Planners provide Thornbury with an Exhibition of "Damp Squib" proportions. Same inaccuracies; same rhetoric; same arguments for Park Farm that failed to convince us the first time round. Most galling of all, no meaningful answers to profoundly disturbing questions. Many of the planners were either misinformed or lacking the background information to be able to satisfy unhappy Thornbury residents.
Many residents walked away frustrated by the arrogance of planners and our seeming inability to hold them accountable to local people.
What Planners didn't tell you at the Exhibition (and how simple it would have been for them to show us this courtesy), is that if you continue to be unhappy with the revisions to the Core Strategy pertaining to Thornbury, you can submit a further representation which will go directly to the Independent Government Inspector who has the ultimate decision on whether South Glos has acted in a reasonable/justifiable and fair manner. We will shortly be posting our own recommendations as to what appear to be the main shortcomings of the Revised Core Strategy in relation to Thornbury. Either wait for this posting, or simply click on this link to download a form that you can use for your own personal response. Remember, you need to be stating why the REVISION of the Core Strategy is flawed.

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