
This BLOG is dedicated to a green and pleasant Thornbury. Without your help, it may not stay that way...

Friday, 14 September 2012


Dear Examination Participant

I am writing to advise you that the Examination Website has now been updated to reflect the Inspector’s Interim Statement incorporating his draft main modifications.  These documents can be accessed via the www.southglos.gov.uk/corestrategyexamination.

The Inspector’s suggested modifications will be subject to a 6 week formal public consultation. The Council is currently now progressing to prepare the necessary supporting sustainability appraisal and make arrangements for the consultation to commence.  Details of this and the timetable for the public consultation will be made available shortly on the website, although it is currently anticipated consultation will start in early October.  Everyone who has made representations on the Core Strategy will also be notified. All comments received, as part of this consultation process, will be passed to the Inspector for his consideration in drafting his final report.

If you have any queries regarding accessing these documents, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards


Kath Thorne
Programme Officer
South Gloucestershire LDF - Core Strategy Examination
DD: 01454 863742

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