
This BLOG is dedicated to a green and pleasant Thornbury. Without your help, it may not stay that way...

Sunday, 6 March 2011


Barratt Homes organised an exhibition for the General Public this Saturday past (5th March) at Turnberries.
STGH organised a welcoming committee at the main entrance and were handing out two documents, which, if you didn't get to read, you can click on them here and/or download them:

  1. Barratt may think it's a "done deal", but far from it ... (Reasons why we think Barratt Homes have got the wrong site for development)
  2. Some Questions for Barratt Homes. (Useful questions to ask the developers - because we don't think they have fully considered the implications of what they are embarking on.)
Hopefully Barratt Homes had a particularly rough ride and we have given them something to think about. Perhaps any of the SGC or TTC councillors who attended, managed to pick up on the palpable hostility to the scheme that many Thornbury residents voiced. It's never too late, Councillors, to start genuinely representing the local people who will shortly be deciding who to vote for in the forthcoming May elections.
If anyone had any interesting encounters at the Exhibition, it may be very helpful to share them by clicking on "Comments" at the bottom of this Blog entry.

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