
This BLOG is dedicated to a green and pleasant Thornbury. Without your help, it may not stay that way...

Monday, 21 March 2011

Satisfaction Survey from South Glos

A golden opportunity to let South Glos know what you think about their consultation process. You only have until 31st March to respond to the survey, so don't delay.
Is their consultation process all it's cracked up to be when over 700 local residents find fault with the selection of Park Farm as the preferred option for housing development in Thornbury, but no changes to the Core Strategy materialise in the Revised version?
For more thoughts on why it was such a poor consultation, check out this document on our website:

Please complete before 31st March!

Last call for local election candidates to stand and oppose the currrent LIB-DEM, non-listening hegemony. Let's bring consultation and listening to the voice of the local electorate much closer to home, and demand that your vote is only available to candidates who will genuninely represent you.

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